Our fear of going to the dentist can sometimes drive us to perform do-it-yourself (DIY) dental care. A man, identified as YouTube user “Jeremie Ramey,” sought to put an end to a painful tooth abscess in his lower jaw after battling the pus-filled lump for two weeks, so he turned to scissors. The video documenting the drainage of his protruding abscess, from September 2014, recently resurfaced on the Internet and has garnered over five million views.

Ramey had initially gone to the ER and received medication for the infection. When he finished them in two weeks, he noticed his infection, which had almost completely cleared, had returned — only this time far worse.

As seen in the video, Ramey pokes a big enough hole to squeeze out the pus, which drops all over his face and into the sink below. Now, if that wasn’t gross enough, just before the video cuts off, he lets viewers know, "That stinks, too."

Tooth-related abscess occurs inside the tooth when the tooth’s nerve is dead or dying. The abscess shows up at the tip of the tooth’s root and then spreads to the surrounding bone. Dentists treat tooth abscesses by draining them and getting rid of the infection, says the Mayo Clinic. The tooth may be saved with a root canal, but in other cases, the tooth may need to be pulled.

It is not recommended to do DIY abscess draining treatment, since untreated or wrongly treated tooth infections can lead to serious, even life-threatening complications.