No Whey: Startup Develops Beer With Whey Protein So Exercisers Can 'Enjoy A Cold One After A Hard Workout'

Beer lovers, rejoice! Startup company Supplemental Brewing has two new products, Brewtein and NutriBeer, that make it so you can bulk up with booze. This so-called protein beer is "where your workout meets your weekend."
According to the company's website, the products consist of more protein than any other beer in the world. Brewtein, the company's staple wheat ale, consists of 7 grams of whey protein, 7 g of carbohydrates, and is 5 percent alcohol — all for 178 calories per serving. Nutribeer, on the other hand, is a low-carb version of Brewtein, with only 4 g of protein, 4 percent alcohol, and 122 calories per serving. Nutribeer also has more of a subtle citrus flavor.
Just last month Supplemental Brewing launched a Kickstarter campaign in hopes of raising the $40,000 it needed to launch their fitness beer revolution. Here, the company explains its belief "that everyone in America should be able to enjoy a cold protein beer after a hard workout." To date, the company has received well over $13,000 in donations; however, just because you can drink the beer doesn't neccesarily mean you should.
Speaking with Mashable, registered dietician Gabrielle Giuliano pointed out that while Supplemental Brewing Protein Beer claims to have health benefits, it is still in fact an alcoholic beverage. "It is true that post-workout one needs to replenish with protein, but adequate hydration with vitamins and minerals are also needed, which this beverage may or may not provide," she said. Furthermore, alcohol is a diurectic and ultimately limits the body from hydrating post-workout, which is key for recovery. Guilano cautions that any alcohol consumption, punched-up with protein or otherwise, should be in moderation.
At this time, Supplemental Brewing's website does not list a full ingredient list. So, if you want to raise a glass to getting ripped, do so with caution.