It was only a matter of time before the YouTube video of a guy getting a huge amount of impacted earwax yanked out of his ear with tweezers went viral. The video, posted in December 2014, has recently become popular, garnering over five million views.

Kyle Davis is the name associated with the video, but we’re not certain if he’s the guy who took the video or the one who is getting his ear picked apart. Either way, watching the tweezers pick at the sticky ball of wax until it’s finally jostled out is slightly sickening, but fulfilling at the same time. Imagine how clear his ears must feel now! The man can hear again!

Earwax buildup is common, and while it can be annoying and cause hearing problems or pain, it’s not dangerous. Your body produces earwax (also known as cerumen) to protect your ears; it contains both lubricating and antibacterial properties, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Typically, your ears are able to clear your canals free of wax on their own through chewing and from the skin growing from your ear canals outward. Interestingly, people who shove Q-tips or cotton swabs in their ears are more likely to experience impacted earwax, by pushing the wax farther into the ear than they should.

Despite the fact that this video’s ultimate conclusion results in pure satisfaction — an enormous slab of earwax is pulled out — removing impacted earwax with tweezers isn’t the safest or best way to do it, as it might damage your inner ear. Instead, going to the doctor’s or picking up cerumenolytic solutions from the store are better ways to treat impacted earwax. Cerumenolytic solutions — such as mineral oil, baby oil, glycerin, or other ear drops — are used to dissolve wax when they’re poured into the ear canal, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

This video is gross, but it’s still not as disgusting as the one where the guy pops a gigantic pimple on his neck.