A doctor in India has found a way to add some sparkle to people's eyes. Dr. Chandrashekhar Chawan, a Mumbai-based doctor, developed both diamond-infused lenses along with 24-karat gold contact lenses by infusing nano gold particles to create a “glitter” effect for wearers. The spell-binding lenses are part of the regular line of eyewear at Shekhar Eye Research India, which has received both positive and negative feedback.

“I got mixed responses — some said it looks scary, but most of the people loved it,” said Chawan in a TODAY.com interview. “Bollywood personalities loved the concept that it’s going to be [the] ‘in thing’ in fashion soon. Look at Lady Gaga and her followers. People take time to digest [new fashion], until some celebrity starts using it.”

Chawan’s inspiration came from cosmetic dentistry. His wife had diamonds planted on her teeth at her last dentist visit, and the eye doctor soon realized that people loved jewels anywhere and everywhere. At first, Chawan tried to produce gold-dust contact lenses, but he saw they lacked the “sparkle effect” he was looking for. He has been successful, though, at creating the diamond contact lenses.

At 5 grams per contact, each lens contains an extra layer between the eyes and the gold. This is done in order to avoid contact between the eyes and the gold, according to the Daily Mail. He uses Chandra Boston Scleral lenses, a product generally used to treat eye illnesses, to make sure the jewelry part of the lenses does not touch the cornea. Scleral lenses are generally prescribed for people with severe eye disease with no other alternative. These lenses can be uncomfortable, bulky, and hard to care for.

Chawan hopes to sell outside of India, but the bulky lenses have yet to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

The starry-night eyes will set you back anywhere from $15,000 to $18,000.