Millions of bottles have been recalled by Johnson & Johnson involving its AlternaGel liquid antacid, and now, Mylanta has taken its own toll joining the recall.

Retail and wholesale levels of recall list worsens for J&J due to alcohol contents present and not listed as components of the medications; this was not listed in the literature that goes together with the drugs once bought. Alcohol was used as one of the flavoring composites of the medications.

It was reported that with the recall in effect, consumers can still use the medicines. The alcohol content, by the way, is less than 1%, but then the public has the right to know. The company said that there could not be any adverse effects except for the fact that other takers of these particular medicines on hold have alcohol sensitivity.

Merck and Co., together with Johnson & Johnson helped on formulating these brands that are sold as non-prescription drugs that can be acquired from the former’s prescription drugs. A J&J plant in Pennsylvania to fix sanitation problems and quality control lapses, and that made them recall vast numbers of consumer brands as well.

The previous week saw Tylenol recall as they have been found out to have traces of alcohol. No matter how small the amount it has, the public deserves to know. It is the obligation of the drug company to put everything on the literature to inform consumers of the drugs’ components. In the past year, recalled drugs from J&J included Motrin, Rolaid and Benadryl allergy treatment. Recall list worsens for J&J as other medicines they manufactured were subjected for the same actions.

As the company is besieged with problems that tarnished its once pristine reputation, financially it is suffering too much. It took a 25 percent drop on sales as consumers went to generic stores for medicinal options. Not only in the US that the company is standing loses but also a factory in Puerto Rico where recalls of Benadryl and Tylenol existed. This manufacturing branch, according to the US FDA, could be ordered temporarily closed as after a recent inspection, it was found to have not resolved the quality control, which is the thing in question.

The Puerto Rican manufacturing plant produces mostly the over-the-counter drugs which are sold in the US. The management of J&J kept mum on the issue whether they can be held accountable for the many issues on recalls thrown at them. As recall list worsens for J&J, it is wise to think that by giving in to the desires of the FDA would give the company a chance to get back in business, without flaws in manufacturing, thus, manufacturing medicines that are safe for everybody to use.