Relationship Therapy On Your Phone? Breakup Rx Therapy App Helps Users Get Over Ex In 30 Days
Breakups are hard. No matter who the heartbreaker was, it is considered one of life’s most stressing events. Whether you’re lying on a therapist’s couch or your best friend’s bed explaining the ins and outs of everything that went awry, you could save yourself some money and friends by downloading the Breakup Rx app.
Instead of committing to hours of in-office therapy, you could try giving licensed therapist Jane Reardon and Stila cosmetics’ founder Jeanine Lobel’s handheld therapist a try. Breakup Rx was inspired by Reardon’s 15 years of professional experience treating young men and women trying to navigate the end of their relationship.
“In the beginning, I was treating people in breakups more psychologically, and what I discovered was that they were too depressed to deal with that,” Reardon told The Daily Beast. “That’s why the focus of the app is really on empowerment and strengthening self, and liking yourself.”
Post-relationship pain is dealt in many different ways depending on the person, type of relationship, and the type of breakup they experienced. Some gain weight, others lose weight, and a variety of other health and behavior-based lifestyle changes take place. Women who haven’t gotten over their relationship 16 weeks after the breakup have shown to have decreased brain activity in the emotion, motivation, and attention regions, according to Psychology Today’s Dr. Diana Kirchner.
The app helps to engage the person, whether male or female, in a healthy way to put them onto the road to recovery. It provides users with a 30-day plan for relationship recovering, which features tips, activities, and advice to getting over the hard parts in order to get back to life.
“We’re taught as young girls that there’s a boyfriend pie, and if you get your piece, that’s one less for the next girl,” Lobell explained at the app’s press preview in May. The first day of the apps relationship recovery program is appropriately titled “Welcome to Withdrawal” and provides suggestions. Each day users are given instructions to carry out their days one step at a time toward a healthier future, which will more aptly set them up for their next relationship with a stable foundation.
Day 11 asks users to recount “every instance from the relationship that still upsets you,” such as “when your ex forgot your anniversary [and] didn’t make [you] a priority.” It can help users vent in a constructive way instead of ranting with a pint of ice cream until 2 in the morning to your friend who’s already heard the story a million times.
Highlighting its most unique component is a network consisting of users suffering from similar situations. Breakup Rx app connects its users to a support network of other singles who are trying to recover from their breakups and forms a virtually simulation of group therapy.