With such an unstable economy, many Americans are forced to become renters rather than homeowners, but renting a home may affect one's health. According to researchers, renters are less likely to make specific household changes, such as painting or structural repairs, which affects one health.

A new study demonstrates those who suffer from household allergies are less likely to make indoor environmental changes to improve health if they rent compared to homeowners.

Allergist Michael Schatz, MD, lead study author and fellow of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, found that 91 percent of individuals who were surveyed that are homeowners had made appropriate changes when advised to, compared to only 63 percent of renters who made the appropriate changes in order to reduce their chances of triggering allergy symptoms.

What researchers did find in common between homeowners and renters was the willingness to wash bedclothes in hot water to lower the risk of dust mites, clean visible mold and reduce home humidity below 60 percent in order to prevent mold.

According to allergist James Sublett, MD, chair of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Indoor Environment Committee, if indoor changes are not implemented, the home can become a playground for allergens leading to worsening symptoms.

Household allergens may not be fatal, but there is always a chance for it to become severe. The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology suggest simple changes to reduce any allergy-related risks such as:

• Enclose bed pillows, mattresses and upholstered furniture with dust-proof covers, and wash covers regularly using hot water.

• Eliminate carpet flooring

• Reduce home humidity to 60 percent via an air conditioner or dehumidifier

• Have a family member vacuum weekly using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter, or wear a dust mask while vacuuming

• Clean visible mold and obtain an air purifier

• Keeps pets out of the bedroom and wash them weekly to reduce dander

“By making recommended environmental changes around the home, people with allergies can substantially reduce their symptoms,” Schartz said.

The study was published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.