Researchers uncover a new method of checking for skin cancer

Skin Scan, a Romanian startup, claims it has found a way to measure the amount of risk a mole represents using a proprietary algorithm combined with an iPhone image of the mole which it says can measure the likelihood of it representing skin cancer.
The app raises awareness of a particularly aggressive disease which kills when people aren't aware of the serious nature of a mole that might have developed from over-exposure to harmful sunlight.
"It is accepted that human tissues have a fractal-like structure." says P.hD Mircea Olteanu, brains behind the app, "Consequently, during the last decades scientists tried to classify different types of tumors by computing their fractal dimension and numerical characteristics... Skin Scan is a skin cancer prevention tool which tells users when to look for a professional medical investigation."
Commonly found in Caucassions 1:80, the disease is largely preventable by precautionary measures and Skin Scan hopes to take that a step forward by getting people to check for their mole's more regularly - with an iPhone.
The app measures the mole's size and uses various characteristics, such as it's fractal nature - smoothness, colour and other irregularies to keep an eye on more serious ones.
If the app detects a change in the mole, it sends them to the doctor.
"Skin Scan is a skin cancer prevention tool which tells users when to look for a professional medical investigation...Our team encourages the use of this modern technology that alerts users to seek medical help in time." continued Mircea Olteanu.
The team is run by Mihai Mafteianu of Cronian Labs in Romania. It’s headed up by CEO Victor Anastasiu, co-founder of Romanian seed fund SeedMoney.
The team secured $50,000 dollars of startup and costs $6.50 on the iPhone app store.
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