Rihanna Cancels Concert in Europe due to Exhaustion
Pop singer Rihanna canceled a concert Wednesday in Sweden for the second time this week after suffering from exhaustion.
Rihanna felt ill before the concert in Stockholm yesterday night and after consulting with her doctor, she decided to cancel the show an hour before she was set to appear, a spokesperson from Live Nation told the Associated Press.
Rihanna "is exhausted and doesn't feel well," said Kristofer Akesson, spokesman of tour promoter Live Nation, according to MTV.com. He did not provide more details.
The singer canceled a concert on Monday in Malmo, Sweden, reportedly because of flu-like symptoms, reports MTV.
She posted a photo on her Twitter titled "Sorry Malmo!!!" in which she appears laying in a hospital bed with an IV set on her arm.
"I was so excited to perform for you all. It would have been a great time...so much better than being sick with the flu, ugh! I'm really disappointed I couldn't be there.” Rihanna told fans in a statement.
Despite the illness, the singer was able to perform on Tuesday.
AP reports that organizers are trying to re-schedule the canceled concert dates.
Image published by Rihanna on her Twitter account Monday night after falling ill with flu like symptoms.