Romney Lead Remains in New Hampshire as Primary Approaches
Mitt Romney continues to hold a comfortable lead over the Republican field for the 2012 presidential nomination in New Hampshire, just over two weeks away from the January 10 primary vote, according to a poll.
A poll by The Boston Globe poll released Sunday found that out of 543 Republican voters surveyed, Romney was supported by 39 percent, a 3 percent drop in the last month but still a significant lead over Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul, who were tied at 17 percent, followed closely by John Huntsman with 11 percent.
Rick Santorum obtained support from 3 percent of the survey sample, Michele Bachman 2 percent, and Rick Perry 1 percent.
It’s a disappointing showing for Gingrich, who won endorsement from New Hampshire’s largest newspaper, The Union Leader, on November 27. The endorsement led to a 2 percent gain in the poll, while Paul rose 5 percent and Huntsman rose 3 percent.
Out of Tea Party supporters in New Hampshire, 44 percent said they would vote for Romney, compared to 24 percent for Gingrich and 14 percent for Paul.
The survey was conducted via live telephone interviews by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center December 12-19.