A new study confirms what you likely already know — yes, you really are working too hard. Researchers at the Australian National University found that two-thirds of the 8,000 sampled worked more than 40 hours per week. What’s more, employees who work more than 39 hours per week are damaging their health.

"Long work hours erode a person's mental and physical health, because it leaves less time to eat well and look after themselves properly," says study author Dr. Dinh in a statement on Medical Xpress.

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However, there are things you can do to feel better after a long, busy day. These three steps are easy, actionable and are proven to make you healthier.

Watch TV

Typically, you hear about all of the ways in which relaxing with Netflix can pack on the pounds and rot your brain. But research indicates there are actual health benefits to watching your favorite shows. A study of 240 women last year showed that cortisol (the hormone associated with stress) levels were lower in those with higher TV consumption. Of course, there is the risk of watching too much TV, so you’ll want to limit your viewing.

Prepare a Bedtime Routine

Being well rested is associated with improved memory and healthier weight, but work-induced stress can hinder the quality of your sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends practicing a relaxing ritual nightly, like taking a warm bath, to sleep easier. The organization also suggests sticking to a strict bedtime, and evaluating your room to ensure it meets optimal conditions that encourage sleep. These include lower lights and a temperature between 60 and 67 degrees.

Take a Stretch Break

"People who sit at their computers for hours every day — they're in for serious medical problems," Sharon Hame, MD, told WebMD. Studies have shown that people who sit for prolonged periods of time have larger waistlines and higher risk of heart disease, cancer and even death. Doctors recommend walking or stretching at work to give your body a break, and WebMD has a program of simple stretches you can do at your desk.

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