Once a star small forward for the Chicago Bulls, Scottie Pippen had an altercation that turned violent Sunday night, one that had him spend an hour in questioning Monday afternoon.

The confrontation began when a fan started pestering Pippen, 47, for an autograph while the former Bull ate dinner with his family at Nobu, a sushi restaurant in Malibu, Calif. After they finished their meal, the fan resumed his pleas for an autograph in the parking lot.

Pippen denied the requests and the scene soon became heated. The fan allegedly spit in Pippen's face and called him the n-word, all while Pippen held his four-year-old daughter.

"Can you imagine, you're out to dinner with your wife, your four kids and your mother-in-law, and someone calls you the N-word and starts to get physical?" a source told the Daily News, calling the alleged victim's story a "crock."

After the incident, where Pippen allegedly punched the fan in the face, the Hall-of-Famer walked himself to the Malibu/Lost Hills sheriff's station early Monday afternoon, accompanied by celebrity defense attorney Mark Geragos.

He spent an hour answering investigators' questions but was not arrested, according to L.A. County Sheriff's Department Capt. Pat Davoren.

The fan allegedly sustained a head injury, and his name was not made available to authorities.

Pippen won six championship titles with the Chicago Bulls alongside Michael Jordan. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2010.