A fourth woman alleged on Monday that she was sexually harassed by Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain in 1997 but is not filing a lawsuit against the politician.

Bialek is the first woman who has come out publicly to allege sexual harassment against Cain.

At a press conference in New York on Monday, Sharon Bialek of Chicago told reporters that she met with Cain for dinner in 1997 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C., because she had reached out to Cain for help in finding a job. At the time she was working at the National Restaurant's Association.

"He suddenly reached over and put his hand on my leg, under my skirt and reached for my genitals," Bialek alleged in the press conference.

Bialek said she told her boyfriend and "a mentor at the time" that Cain had been inappropriate and said she was "embarrassed" but didn't go into detail.

Today, Bialek was accompanied by her lawyer Gloria Allred, who denied her client is filing a lawsuit against Cain or the NRA, and was just interested in empowering women who have suffered sexual harassment.

Allred said her client is a full time single mom who contacted her last week.

Cain, former restaurant chain owner and former president and CEO of the National Restaurant Association, has repeatedly said he has been falsely accused of sexual harassment.

The candidate has accused the presidential campaign of Texas Governor Rick Perry with leaking the story but Perry's campaign has denied any involvement with the issue.