Smartphone Addiction Can Lead To Problems At Home, Work, And With Friends, According To Study

Excessive smartphone use can take a toll on your health, especially for females, according to research published in Information Systems Journal.
"Our smartphones have turned into a tool that provides short, quick, immediate satisfaction, which is very triggering," said researcher Isaac Vaghefi, in a press release.
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Vaghefi and his colleagues collected data from 182 college students who self-reported their daily smartphone use. Based on their responses, the students were categorized into one of five types of users: Thoughtful, Regular, Highly Engaged, Fanatic, and Addict.
Nearly 20 percent of respondents fell into the last two categories. The researchers found both the “fanatics” and “addicts” experience personal, social, and workplace problems due to their obsessive smartphone use. The addicts were also more likely to be female.
Although “technology addiction” is not a diagnosed mental disorder, the survey revealed those who were constantly on their phones exhibited signs of other diagnosed disorders including depression and social anxiety.
“Our neurons get fired and dopamine is being released, and over time this makes us acquire a desire for quick feedback and immediate satisfaction. This process also has contributed to developing shorter attention spans and being more and more prone to boredom,” said Vaghefi.
Americans check their smartphones more than 9 billion times per day, according to a Deloitte survey. This includes everything from posting to social media, texting, online shopping, gaming, and browsing the internet.
A few telltale signs you may be addicted to your phone include: paranoia when it’s not with you, favoring your virtual life over real life, and experiencing phantom cell phone buzzing.
See also: Technology Addiction: Warning Signs of A Cell Phone Addict
Smartphone Addiction: What Makes Some People More Attached To Their Phones Than Others?