Smokeless tobacco can be more harmful
If you are a regular smoker and want to quit tobacco using what is believed to be less harmful products like chewing tobacco or snuff, it is time to reconsider your beliefs as research has shown that smokeless tobacco is as harmful if not more.
A policy statement issued by the American Heart Association says smokeless tobacco products are equally addictive and might also enhance the risk of fatal heart attacks, strokes and certain type of cancers.
"No tobacco product is safe to consume," says Mariann Piano, a professor in the bio-behavioral health science department at the University of Illinois in Chicago and lead writer of the study conducted on the impact of tobacco use, a press release issued by the AHA says.
He further noted that scientists and lawmakers must understand the effect of reduced risk messages related to smokeless tobacco use, more so in the case of smokers who may be trying to kick the butt.
In recent times smoking bans across the United States has resulted in smokeless products replacing cigarettes and cigars on the shelves, the authors of the study published in the medical journal Circulation said.
The press release also noted that smokeless tobacco products had gained popularity among teenagers in the United States, a trend that could slow down by a Federal ruling that prohibits tobacco sale to anyone younger than 18 years.
Those trying to quit smoking should adopt nicotine gum or similar products in lieu of smokeless tobacco products, the authors of the study paper have suggested.