Soybean Oil Peptides Linked To Lower Cancer Risk, Study Suggests

After soybean seeds are stripped of oil content the remaining product is known as soybean meal, a good source of daily protein. A new study published in the journal Food Research International now suggests peptides in soybean meal can reduce the possibility of cancer.
A study done at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville concluded that the peptides in soybeans stopped colon cancer cell growth by 73 percent, liver cancer cell growth by 70 percent and lung cancer cell growth by 68 percent, the Huff Post reported.
Researchers at the university say this is the "first study to report anti-cancer bioactive peptides from high oleic acid soybeans."
The research team also stated that a soybean peptide concentration of at least 600 ml is needed to stimulate cancer fighting properties.
The healthy benefits of soy based food products have gained a considerable amount of attention in recent years. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a health claim in 1999 stating that 25 grams of soy protein added to someone's diet can significantly lower the risk of heart disease.
It is estimated that soybean oil is used in 75 percent of commercial U.S. food production and that most vegetable cooking oil is actually soybean oil.
There are a couple of methods used in removing the oil from whole soybeans. The more popular techniques include solvent extraction or expeller where the beans are heated and squeezed of all oil.
The result is the most common source for protein supplements in the United States.