Taylor Farms de Mexico Stops Import Of Salad Mix And Other Vegetables To US Amid Cyclospora Outbreak

Taylor Farms, the food processor that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has said was responsible for at least one of the outbreaks of the parasitic infection caused by Cyclospora, has stopped all shipments of its salad products coming from its Mexican branch to the United States.
The salad mix from this branch, Taylor Farms de Mexico, was linked to more than 535 cases in 19 states of cyclospora infection, known as cyclosporiasis. Taylor Farms went a step further than salad mix, however, and halted all shipments of iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce, green leaf lettuce, red cabbage, green cabbage, and carrots too, according to Reuters.
Investigations tracked the infections to Taylor Farms produce served by Red Lobster and Olive Garden restaurants in Iowa and Nebraska. Both states’ officials say the contaminated mix is no longer in the food supply because the produce only has a shelf-life of 14 days.
Read More: What Are The Symptoms Of A Cyclospora Infection?
Still, the FDA said in a statement that “it is not yet clear whether the cases reported from other states are all part of the same outbreak. The investigation of increased cases of cyclosporiasis in other states continues.”
This is because in Texas, where the most cases are reported, with 206, many people got sick after eating at the same restaurants even though they don’t serve Taylor Farms produce.
The FDA said it created a 21-person team to focus on the outbreaks.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cyclosporiasis is an intestinal illness that causes diarrhea, cramping, body aches, loss of appetite or weight, fatigue, vomiting, and low-grade fever. The infection is not life threatening, but its symptoms, which usually take about a week to develop, can linger for weeks or even months. It can also be treated with antibiotics.