Teacher Leaves Catholic School After Demands For Ebola Quarantine Post-Kenya Trip

After returning from a trip to Kenya, a teacher at St. Margaret Mary Catholic School in Louisville, Ky., was asked to remain in isolation for 21 days for fear of her having caught Ebola. The school’s demand that she take “precautionary leave” after visiting an Ebola-free country on the eastern coast of Africa was so ridiculous, in her opinion, that she decided to quit her job in protest.
Susan Sherman taught seventh and eighth graders at the school, and was also a registered nurse. It was due to “parent concerns” about Ebola that the school asked her to quarantine herself for three weeks. She was also asked to go see a doctor to get a note to prove she was Ebola-free and healthy.
Sherman and her husband Paul had taken a medical mission to Kenya for the fourth time, along with a group called Kenya Relief. Kenya is completely Ebola free and is thousands of miles away from West Africa, where the outbreak has occurred in several countries — Nigeria, Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone — but hasn’t spread anywhere else in the continent.
Paul Sherman wrote a letter to the Archdiocese of Louisville, noting that the school’s and parents’ fears were “unfounded” and that they were “triumphing over truth and reason.” Paul and his wife attempted to set up an educational meeting about how Ebola spreads, as well as what occurred on their medical mission trip, but they “were put off until our ‘quarantine’ is over,” he wrote.
Steve James, founder of Kenya Relief, said not many people from his mission trip experience such a negative and fear-mongering reaction after returning from Africa. “We don’t have Ebola in Kenya,” James told The Courier-Journal. “It’s unfortunate that someone with such a big heart has to suffer because of it.”
Perhaps the map below can help depict how unlikely it is for someone traveling to just about anywhere in Africa aside from West Africa to get infected with Ebola. “Despite clear geographical limits to the Ebola outbreak, many Americans seem confused,” Adam Taylor writes on The Washington Post. “These countries are nowhere near the West African countries where Ebola is actually a problem. Frustrated by this, Anthony England, a British chemist who earned a doctorate at Massachussetts Institute of Technology and has spent a significant amount of time in sub-Saharan Africa, decided to make a map to help explain what countries currently have Ebola cases and which don’t.”
#Ebola Map of Africa for the Geographically Challenged v2 legend Inspired by @JuryReporter: https://t.co/P7UwqPx3Bw pic.twitter.com/5W775jL26c
- Anthony England (@EbolaPhone) November 3, 2014