Another day, another attempt by policymakers to deprive women of much needed reproductive health care.

This Monday, as first reported by the Houston Chronicle, Stuart Bowen, Texas’s inspector general for the Health and Human Services Commission, informed the state’s Planned Parenthood affiliates — via letter — of his intention to cut off all of their Medicaid funding in 30 days. As justification, Bowen's office reasoned that the affiliates "are no longer capable of performing medical services in a professional competent, safe, legal, and ethical manner."

Though the letter does bring up recent financial indiscretions within the Texas Planned Parenthood network, the crux of the "findings supporting termination" center around the allegations made by yet another sting video involving a Houston clinic run by Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast. These videos have originated from the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group, and the one featuring the Houston clinic was released earlier this summer.

"Earlier this year, you committed and condoned numerous acts of misconduct captured on video that reveal repeated program violations and breach the minimum standards of care required of a Medicaid enrollee," the letter read. "The videos indicate that you follow a policy of agreeing to procure fetal tissue even if it means altering the timing or method of an abortion." Other faux pas included only providing the undercover plants masquerading as "research executives" gloves as they handled fetal tissue.

Planned Parenthood has categorically denied claims of impropriety, denouncing the videos as heavily edited and deceptive. No Texas affiliate has participated in fetal tissue donations since 2010, according to the organization, nor is Medicaid funding allowed to be utilized for abortion services.

It is believed that anywhere from $3 to $4 million in Medicaid funding would be striped away from Planned Parenthood affiliates, even those that do not provide abortions. Yet, it would be only the latest budget cut to befall Planned Parenthood clinics in Texas, as the state has refused to allow any affiliates to enroll in its state-funded family planning programs, depriving them of more than $70 million in government funding since 2011, according to USA Today. As things stand now, Texas has some of the strictest eligiblity requirements for Medicaid, ensuring that the women who would suffer the most from these cuts would also undoubtedly be the state's poorest.

Despite Bowen’s assurances that Texas has increased overall funding for women’s health services (since 2013), a May 2015 study found that 25 percent of Texas’s clinics have been shuttered in the wake of that decision. And of those that remained, they were less able to provide effective and safe reproductive health care, such as long-acting reversible contraception. It’s a finding that makes Bowen’s claims of "alternate providers" being able to pick up the slack from Planned Parenthood as equally dubious.

For the time being, however, it remains to be seen whether Texas’s decree will hold any water. Elsewhere in the country, a Louisiana judge declared Monday that the state would have to continue providing Medicaid funding to clinics for the next two weeks after Planned Parenthood sued the state for attempting the same maneuver. Unlike Texas, Planned Parenthood affiliates in Louisiana do not provide abortions.

"Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast has been a trusted health care provider for nearly 80 years," said Melaney Linton, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in a statement. "More than ever it is clear that efforts to block patients from accessing care at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast through Medicaid are politically motivated. They clearly have nothing to do with the well-being of the people of Texas."