These Are The Top 10 Fattest States In America

The U.S. is seeing an uptick in the rates of adults who are obese or overweight. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 70 percent of adults aged 20 or over in the U.S. are either obese or overweight. For children aged 6 to 19, just under 20 percent suffer from obesity. Those numbers come from 2014, the latest date for which statistics are available.
If the U.S. continues at the pace it's on, by 2030 over 50 percent of adults will be obese, according to the Campaign to End Obesity, and the U.S. spends almost $200 billion per year on obesity-related healthcare costs.
One of the main factors that leads to obesity, according to the National Institute of Health is lack of exercise.
The obesity epidemic affects each state differently and a new study published by WalletHub studied a series of 19 metrics across 50 states and District of Columbia to determine the “fattest” states.
The metrics included the prevalence of obesity and being overweight, weight-related health consequences and food and fitness data. The metrics were weighted in that order.
The top 10 fattest states were:
1. Mississippi
2. West Virginia
3. Tennessee
4. Arkansas
5. Louisiana
6. Kentucky
7. Alabama
8. Oklahoma
9. South Carolina
10. Indiana
The top 10 least fat states were:
1. Colorado
2. Massachusetts
3. Utah
4. Hawaii
5. Montanna
6. Connecticut
7. New Jersey
8. Nevada
9. New Hampshire
10. Oregon