Feng Shui is a Chinese method of living in harmony with nature. It uses shapes, colors and things around to improve your life.

And while there are a number of diet and exercise options available for weight loss, you may have even tried many of them without much success. The rigidity and impracticality of these options force many people to drop out midway. But what if there is an easier way to get in to shape without giving up your cravings?So, here is a list of tips which one can use to lose weight using the Feng Shui way:

Tip #1: Eat food in square plates

In Feng Shui round stands for curiosity and square for contentment. So, if you eat your food in a square plate it reduces your craving for more food.

Tip #2: Use earthen colors

If you are serious about your weight loss program paint your kitchen and dining room in earthen hues. Brighter colors rouse appetite whereas these mellow shades offer contentment and tones down your food craving.

Tip #3: Strike out odd

Set your table in even numbers. Odd number increases your awareness whereas even numbers makes you content and relaxed.

Tip #4: Put a mirror on the dining room wall

Hang a mirror opposite to the chair you sit. This makes you conscious of what you eat.

Tip #5: Clear the clutter

Clutter stands for excess baggage. So, clear out all the clutters in your house starting from the kitchen.

Tip #6: Hang a clock in the dining room

Place a clock right on the clock. Each ticking reminds you of the passing time and prompts you to sit and enjoy the meal. This way you will cut down on the intake.

Tip #7: Add color to your food

Eat food in various hues. This way you can get all the valuable nutrients in your food.

Tip #8: Cook your own food

When you cook your own food you become more conscious of what you cook and give you more control over what goes into your food.