With almost 10 million people around being diagnosed for cancer every year, that should be enough to tell you why the word ‘cancer’ is also the most feared word in the dictionary today. And while the adage, “prevention is better than cure” continues to apply to the disease of cancer, here are a few tips that can reduce one’s risk of getting cancer in the years to come.

Tip #1: Stop smoking

As obvious as this might be for the basic reason of staying fit, the number one reason for one to get cancer and not just lung cancer but several types. While most people who are smokers admit that they wished they had never started, perhaps it’s wise to take this valuable piece of advice to not start smoking in the first place.Avoiding secondhand smoke can also contribute to cancer and contains more than 60 of the known carcinogens, putting the person who inhales this at serious risk.

Tip #2: Include fruits and vegetables in your diet

As it is common knowledge that one can reduce the risk of getting cancer by maintaining a well-balanced diet, and while most of them contain antioxidants that repair our body cells. In particular, green, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables prevent cancer, while dark fruits and cruciferous vegetables are known to contribute to the same.

Tip #3: Reduce Alcohol intake

According to several studies undertaken, men and women who take more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day tend to increase their chances of succumbing to certain types of cancer. So it is advisable to reduce the amount of alcohol that you drink.

Tip #4: Limit red meat and animal fat

Since studies have shown that animal fat increases the risk of certain types of cancers, which red meat has in numbers, reducing the amount of meat you eat is also a good idea for reducing the risk of cancer.Tip #5: Exercise, exercise, exercise…Exercising helps you reduce the risk of cancer greatly even if it means walking, cycling or other types of cardiovascular exercise.