Toby Sheldon, 33-Year-Old LA Songwriter, Spends $100,000 On Plastic Surgery To Look Like Justin Bieber

Plastic surgery has spared countless victims of violent crimes and accidents from lasting deformities and painful scarring. It has allowed men and women from all over the world to submit to outrageous aesthetic standards dreamed up by Hollywood executives. Now, it has finally helped a 33-year-old man achieve his lifelong goal of looking exactly like Canadian pop wiz and embattled teen icon Justin Bieber.
Meet Toby Sheldon –– a Los Angeles, Calif. singer-songwriter who recently made headlines after blowing almost $100,000 on cosmetic procedures. In what could very well be one of the most severe midlife crises of all time, the relatively unknown artist has spent his life savings on multiple surgeries, Aquamid injections, and hair transplants in an effort to look just like his hero, Justin Bieber. Over the past five years, Sheldon has gradually transformed himself into an uncanny approximation of the 19-year-old star.
In an interview with the British tabloid Closer, the high-octane Belieber told reporters that he couldn’t be happier with the results. “I always had similar traits to Justin, like my bone structure and eye shape,” he explained. “I just wanted to enhance certain features to look more like him.”
The metamorphosis began with a hair transplant and a series of Botox injections back in 2008. Sheldon’s goal was to achieve the smooth and “plumped-up” skin of the then 14-year-old artiste. He later switched to Aquamid –– an illegal, longer-lasting filler that he imports from Brazil.
As with most cases of extensive cosmetic surgery, Sheldon’s aesthetic endeavors escalated very quickly. He drew first blood in 2012, when he underwent a controversial procedure known as “smile surgery.” A few months later, he had additional surgery on his eyelids. For Sheldon, the right smile was the most important part of the transformation.
“It’s Justin’s smile that gives him his youthful look,” he explained. “So I had my upper lip lifted and my bottom lip plumped out.”
While Sheldon loves his new appearance, he acknowledges that it has come at a price –– physically as well as financially. “My smile surgery took more than a month to recover from,” he told reporters. “After my eyelid surgery, I couldn’t open my eyes for a week.”
That said, Sheldon believes his investment has paid off, as people now shower him with compliments on a daily basis. Speaking to Gawker, he said that some friends even call him “Toby Bieber.” What more could a 33-year-old man ask for?