Toddler Hit and Run Incident in China Sparks Global Uproar
An incident in China on October 13, has sparked international uproar this week after a video revealed how a 2-year-old girl was left bleeding on the street by passersby after being struck by two vehicles.
In the video, the girl is first hit by a van and then by a truck. As she is seen laying bleeding on the street, at least 12 people pass by, look at her but continue on their way. A person picking up trash eventually assists the toddler.
The girl is "close to brain dead" from the injuries, according to the China Daily.
Both drivers who struck the girl have been arrested, according to Xinhua news agency.
Online comments have called the video "the most heart breaking", "disturbing" video ever.
Other Internet users have also criticized China for his disregard for human life, while others blamed the the decadence of the human race.
"Chinese media and Internet users on Monday decried a lack of morals in society," after the incident, chinese news agency Xinhua said.