New York City's new Citi Bike program is pretty cool for New Yorkers who are looking for a fun, quirky way to get around the city — cool, that is, for New Yorkers who weigh less than 260 pounds.

The Citi Bike Rental Agreement states under a section entitled 'Prohibited Acts' that riders "must not exceed the maximum weight limit for the Citi Bike bicycle (260 pounds)."

According to the New York Post, some New Yorkers were offended by the provision, calling it discriminatory. Others felt that the rule is counterintuitive to solving the city's obesity problem.

Jhoskaira Ferman, a 20-year-old student from the Bronx, told the Post, "If you're 260 pounds or 300 pounds and want to ride a bike, you should be allowed to. You're making a choice to live healthier and lose weight."

The rule would not only exclude chubby people from the bike-share. Tall people who naturally weigh more because of their height would be excluded, too.

The Department of Transportation said that the city won't "strictly enforce" the weight limit. So, all the hoopla surrounding it may be for nothing.

For those who do intend to ride, though, the program is affordable and easy to navigate. Users can choose from hundreds of locations around the city and pay as low as $10 for a ride. An annual membership to Citi Bike costs $95 and provides users with unlimited access throughout the year.