Top 10 #FailedObamacareSlogans From The Last 24 Hours: How Twitter Feels About Obamacare’s Glitches

At this point, it’s certainly no secret that the Affordable Care Act’s online health care exchanges got off to a rocky start. In the first few days of the open enrollment on, potential enrollees saw glitches, lengthy delays, and full-blown site crashes. The problems have been ongoing and, as the Obama administration scrambles to fix the problems, Twitter began a #FailedObamaCareSlogans trending topic that is really heating up.
This week has been an especially tense one for the Obama administration, as the President took to television earlier this week to explain the glitches as well as what steps the administration is taking to fix them. In his speech, the President assured the American public that even though he’s frustrated with the ongoing computer problems, people can still enroll by calling in or going to designated Obamacare registration centers in their neighborhoods. The technological failures don’t change the fact that there is insurance available to millions of uninsured Americans.
"The essence of the law, the health insurance that's available to people, is working just fine," he said.
So, Wednesday night, during a week full of bad publicity about the Affordable Care Act, the hashtag #FailedObamaCareSlogans began trending and has remained one of the top trending topics on Twitter. Here’s a compilation of the top 10 tweets from the trend:
1. @Vote4Wallace #FailedObamacareSlogans "With ObamaCare, you can die for your country without leaving home"
2. @CaddyWompass #FailedObamacareSlogans "I've got you. What could possibly go wrong?"
3. @TheNewDeal #FailedObamacareSlogans: Still More Popular Than the GOP!
4. @ChrisJZullo #FailedObamacareSlogans We've got a hashtag but not a better idea for healthcare or anything other than red herrings or ad hominems.
5. @TheFreedomFan #ObamaCare--Because the federal government has PLENTY of money. When we run out, we just print more. No problem. #FailedObamacareSlogans
6. @Gestes57 Hey IT graduates...wanna get ahead? Quick? #FailedObamacareSlogans
7. @DFlowhood "And Like A Good Doctor, Obama-Cares" #FailedObamacareSlogans
8. @TheMorningSpew #FailedObamacareSlogans It's Like Health Insurance, Only Different
9. @AlishanAlibhai #FailedObamacareSlogans "Because if our plan doesn't work, at least our website will!"
10. @MitchBehna #FailedObamacareSlogans Change We Actually Didn't Need. Oops Haha