Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Declares That ‘Rehab Is Amazing’: After Battling His Crack Addiction, He Plans To Run For Re-Election

On April 30, Toronto’s infamous mayor announced that he would be taking a leave of absence after a video of him smoking crack cocaine surfaced. But now Rob Ford’s apparently in rehab, and loving it.
He’s also planning on being back in town for the election with the hopes of running for mayor again. According to The Toronto Sun, Ford is feeling pretty confident about it. “Of course, I am coming back and I am going to kick butt,” he told the Sun. “I asked for my calls sheets and I am making calls to constituents. I am getting help but I still want to help.” He added that “I will be on the ballot for mayor in October, guaranteed, and I will do well,” and said “there will be no need to change the locks. There will be no need to clean out my office because I am coming back.”
In the meantime, rehab has been rather enjoyable for the mayor, who likened it to summer camp. “I feel great,” he told the Sun. “Rehab is amazing. It reminds me of football camp. Kind of like the Washington Redskins camp I went to as a kid.” Though he hasn’t disclosed the location of his rehabilitation center, Ford said he participates in group meetings as well as individual meetings, eats full meals daily, and is getting plenty of exercise. “I am working out every day and I am learning about myself, my past and things like that,” he said. In particular, the mayor is trying to understand some of his issues like anger management, as well as recognizing the damage he’s done while in a drunken stupor.
Ford made the decision to go to rehab on April 29th, the morning that a video surfaced of him drunkenly ranting at a pub and said, “That’s it.”
“I told Dougie [my brother], ‘I am going away’ and then started looking up rehab and treatment centers,” he said. Ford has been in rehab for about a week. “I do feel bad about what happened, but it might have been the best thing that happened because I am working on getting better,” he told the Sun.