After being advised by physicians to give his daughter painkillers and water, Rashid Fernando is now mourning the death of his two-year-old daughter.

As reported by the Daily Mail, Michelle Fernando fell ill one week after her mother was diagnosed with swine flu. When her father took her to the Bristol Children’s Hospital in Bristol, England, doctors advised Rashid to give his daughter painkillers and water. Following her hospital visit, 22 hours later Michelle was pronounced dead.

According to a pathologist, Michelle had traces of swine flu surrounding her nose and throat, but the cause of her death was due to pneumonia and septicemia.

According to Michelle’s parents, after being sent home from her hospital visit, 22 hours later Michelle began having trouble breathing. When the Fernandos dialed for an ambulance, they were informed Michelle’s condition did not sound too fatal and that an ambulance will be there in 20 minutes, but shortly after Michelle became motionless. When the Fernandos dialed for an ambulance once again, it arrived moments later. Michelle was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Due to the hospitals negligence, an investigation was launched.

Dr. Thomas Allport, a physician at Bristol Children’s Hospital who specializes in pediatrics, presided over the review. According to Allport it may have been likely for pneumonia to have been present in Michelle’s body; nevertheless her respiratory examination did not display any signs of pneumonia. Furthermore, he believes it was improbable for there to be septicemia, which can cause fatal infections that can get worse quickly.

The physician who examined the toddler, Dr. Jon Kim, provided evidence during the review stating Michelle’s rates were normal and her parents were concerned about her diarrhea and vomiting.

Greater Western Ambulance Service was also requested to explain why an ambulance had not been dispatched immediately. According to Paul Eland, a representative, it was because of the way operators were informed to handle the swine flu pandemic.

Since Michelle’s death in November 2009, Bristol Children’s Hospital and Greater Western Ambulance Service, implemented slight changes. The hospital now re-exam patients’, checking rate and pulse before discharge and Greater Western Ambulance Service now classify calls during swine flu pandemics involving toddlers as a priority.