UK Father Dies After Ingesting $58,000 Of Liquid Meth Disguised As A Health Juice

Romano Dias, a resident of Cambridgeshire, England, died after drinking half a glass of what he thought was a health juice, given to him by his daughter. Upon further analysis, British police determined the drink actually contained £34,000 ($58,000) of the illegal drug methamphetamine.
“The £34,000 is a significant amount. I would say it is highly likely it was destined for a dealer.” Detective Inspector Ian Simmons told Huntington Coroners Court, according to The Daily Mail. “It is unique, this is not an event that happens in Cambridgeshire or elsewhere.”
Romano’s daughter, Katee Dias, received a package that was addressed to her residence, but under a different name, three years prior. After opening the package six months later, she decided to keep the bottle of liquid. She recently gave the drink to her father, who fell sick moments after ingesting the deadly cocktail. The 55-year-old started to complain of its taste and felt a burning sensation in his throat. According to reports, his next words were: “I am in trouble here. I am dying, I am dead.”
Detective Simmons said the Dias family has no connections to drugs and that this tragic event “was a completely unaccountable and unforseen chain of events.” Coroner William Morris concluded the death was an accident.
The National Institute of Drug Abuse defines methamphetamine, also known as crystal meth, as a Schedule II drug that affects the central nervous system. It comes in a white, odorless powder that can be smoked, injected, or snorted. Ingesting this stimulant releases high levels of dopamine, which is associated with the brain’s pleasure center, and can lead to severe addiction.
Methamphetamine taken in small amounts can lead to minor health concerns including a loss of sleep, respiratory issues, increased heart rate, loss of appetite, high blood pressure, and an irregular heartbeat. Long-term use of methamphetamine can result in more severe health consequences, including unhealthy weight loss, dental troubles — known as “meth mouth” — insomnia; psychotic episodes such as anxiety, paranoia, and auditory and visual hallucinations; mood changes and delusions.