UN Voices Concern Over North Korean Human Rights Violations

A majority of the United Nations’ member states expressed concern on Tuesday about human rights violations in North Korea, passing a resolution calling on members to fulfill obligations meant to improve conditions in the country currently under totalitarian rule.
The resolution, which came just days after the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, passed with 123 votes in favor, 16 against, and 51 abstentions.
The resolution states that members are obligated to “promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and to fulfill the obligations that they have undertaken under the various international instruments.”
The resolution urges respect all human rights and fundamental freedoms. It also calls for the end to violations of human rights and showed concerns of reports of violations of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
Among the violations mentioned were torture; cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, as well as protection of refugees so they won’t be returned to the country where they could face harm. The group also called for unhindered access to the UN’s refugee organization.
The resolution also touched upon women-related violations, noting the “trafficking of women for the purpose of prostitution or forced marriage and the subjection of women to human smuggling, forced abortions, gender-based discrimination, including in the economic sphere.”
The resolution also expressed concern over reduced availability and access to food due to various factors including natural disasters and weaknesses in agricultural production leading to food shortages, and chronic and acute malnutrition, mostly among pregnant women, infants, and the elderly.
The UN called on North Korea to “ensure that those responsible for the breaches are brought to justice before an independent judiciary,” and to significantly improve worker’s rights.