Utah Mother Faces 5 Years In Prison For Allegedly Disciplining 2 Adopted, Special Needs Children With A Dog Shock Collar

A 52-year-old woman from Cache County, Utah is being accused of punishing two of her adopted special needs children with a shock collar designed for dogs. If convicted, the unidentified mother, who has seven other children through adoption, faces the possibility of five years in prison for felony child abuse charges.
Officials from the 17-year-old adopted daughter’s school were suspicious when the girl described “a behavior band” her mother had used to discipline her and her brother. Although she could not accurately describe the device, a picture she drew resembled a dog shock collar, authorities stated.
The daughter returned to school to tell her teachers that she had lied about the abuse; however, officials learned that her mother had forced her daughter to go in order to cover up her admission. There is no indication that any of the other seven children under her care were abused.
"She explained her mom put it on her [arm] when she’s acting up or when she hits one of her siblings," Deputy Cache County Attorney Andrew McAdams told The Salt Lake Tribune. "She also disclosed that her 20-year-old brother, also a disabled adult, also adopted, that [their mother] puts it on him as well."
This past Wednesday, the woman was charged at the Utah 1st District Court for third degree felony abuse or neglect of a disabled child, misdemeanor abuse of a vulnerable adult, misdemeanor child abuse, and misdemeanor tampering with a witness.