Utah Town Celebrates Christmas, Halloween, And Cancer Patient Ethan Van Leuven's 4th Birthday In 1 Week

Ethan Van Leuven has an eventful holiday season with Halloween in October, his birthday and Thanksgiving in November, and Christmas in December. However, after the 4-year-old recently stopped responding to cancer treatments, his parents were worried their son would not get the opportunity to celebrate Christmas or even his birthday. That’s when Ethan’s hometown of West Jordan, Utah stepped in to make sure this little’s boy battle with leukemia didn’t stop him from celebrating the holiday festivities.
“The doctors basically said, he's got two days to a couple of weeks left to live, and so that's when we thought we would make the most of the last days he has remaining with us,” Ethan father, Merrill Van Leuven, told the TODAY show.
Ethan’s holiday week started off with Halloween on Tuesday, his birthday on Thursday, and his favorite holiday, Christmas, on Saturday. Aptly dressed as Superman, Ethan was carted around town in a stroller for his favorite Halloween tradition, trick-or-treating. Two days later, the Van Leuven family prepared to celebrate his birthday, and the town did not disappoint. Led by West Jordan’s Fire and Police Departments, Batman, Indiana Jones, and even Darth Vader, the town assembled for a parade that ended at Ethan’s front door step.
Finally, it came time to prepare for Ethan’s last Christmas. On Friday, the community finished up Christmas Eve preparations by switching from Halloween decorations to Christmas and welcoming the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus. That night carolers gathered outside of Ethan’s home for an early rendition of “Silent Night” and “Away in a Manger.” The following morning this brave little boy and his family gathered around the Christmas tree to open presents while reflecting on the love and adoration he received all week.
“He is probably the most patient person that I know. I look up to him in a lot of ways,” Ethan’s mother, Jen Van Leuven told the Desert News. “There’s a lot of things that he has dealt with that I don’t know that I could deal with without complaining like he does. He just goes with it.”