Venus to be Visible with the Naked Eye, Monday and Tuesday
Venus will shine prominently in the proximity of the crescent moon in the south-southwest sky right after the sun sets at around 5 p.m. Monday night and its visibility will continue through Tuesday night.
On a scale that astronomers use to measure objects brightness with the lower the magnitude number being the brighter an object appears, Venus is at a negative 4 making it 11 times brighter than Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, according to
The brightness of Venus will contrast with the relative darkness of the waxing crescent moon which is only about 6 percent illuminated.
Venus will be visible during the day time if the sky is mostly clear with little or no haze, said.
Venus will be positioned about 7 degrees to the moon's left and will be a little higher up on Monday. On Tuesday, Venus will be visible in the night sky by looking roughly “one fist” below the moon. A visible tiny white speck of light will be Venus.