Want To Wake Up Early, Become A Morning Person? Change Your Nighttime Routine

This question originally appeared on Quora. Answer by Nela Canovic.
[Want to become a morning person? Do a complete makeover of your nighttime and morning routines. Why? Because you will:]
- Have more energy for the day ahead
- Avoid wasting time on unnecessary activities
- Gain more time to get rest and do your work
So, what are the steps to doing this? Start the night before. Here’s how.
Create a unique nighttime routine to prepare you for the day ahead.
Set a bedtime alarm on your phone to go off 30 minutes before you need to sleep, which will signal to you that you need to finish up whichever activities you're working on. Be sure to have a bedtime alarm go off every day of the week, including weekends.
Reconsider your dinners and when you eat at night. In addition to having a busy mind, you may experience difficulty falling asleep at night due to heavier foods or eating late. Avoid fried food and caffeine (which can be in some desserts and sugary drinks), and instead go with a lighter dinner with a big salad. Schedule your dinner at least a few hours before your bedtime.
Take a short walk after dinner. It can be just 20-30 minutes. Being outside is good for your digestion, you get some fresh air, and you rest your mind from all the activities you've completed during your busy day. A walk also sends signals to the body that it’s time to unwind and relax.
Get away from electronics (computer and TV) in the hour before bedtime. Instead, listen to a podcast on a topic you find interesting, queue up some relaxing music and listen with your eyes closed as you’re sitting on the couch, or read a bookto stimulate your imagination.
Start a productivity planner before going to bed. Write a list of items that are top priority for the next day, mark them in the order of importance, note down how long you think you'll work on each activity. This technique is useful because you train your mind to focus a few steps ahead so you don’t worry about forgetting something important, which in turn might keep you awake at night.
Have a cup of herbal tea (no caffeine), some warm milk with honey, or amagnesium supplement (either tablet or powder form) around the time your alarm goes off. These warm drinks can help you feel more sleepy.
Optimize your room for sleep. Sleep in a well ventilated room, keep your window open at least a little, raise the blinds or move the curtains aside to let daylight in, and don't place anything on your eyes so that your body can react to the natural morning light when it’s time to wake up. To prevent any noise from waking you up, invest in a good pair of soft silicone ear plugs like these so you can sleep through the night.
Get plenty of rest. Chronic sleep deprivation can be a strain on your nerves, can reduce your cognitive abilities, impact your concentration, and even reduce your IQ. Don’t stay up half the night; it’s guaranteed to make it more difficult to get up early in the morning. Instead, make it a goal to get a full night’s rest.
Design a morning routine that will give you energy for everything you want to accomplish.
Customize your morning alarm to boost energy and focus. Create an alarm that is more friendly to your sleepy self. Here are some ideas. Pick a ring tone that's unusual but not irritating, or set your alarm to vibrate mode for a more subtle sound. Make a recording of your own voice saying a positive message, then save it as your alarm tone. Queue up some music that you find uplifting and energizing, and schedule it to play when you need to wake up.
Reset your brain with meditation. Researchers say that when we meditate early, we sleep better at night. Meditating can also help you deal better with the thousands of random thoughts that occupy you throughout the day and may contribute to your feeling stressed, rushed, and overwhelmed. Think of it as mental hygiene that can have long-term positive effects on how your brain functions. To get started, download the Headspace app and practice for only 10 minutes; it’s easy and even fun for absolute beginners.
Prep your workspace. Before starting your day, make sure you have everything ready for the work you'll need to complete. This applies to reference materials (bookmark them in your browser or write notes that you'll have handy on your desk), your daily plan (a checklist of tasks you need to complete), a bottle of water at your desk, an energy snack (a power bar, banana, or a fruit and nut mix).
Get moving! Pick a super short and targeted workout to help your body wake up and prepare for the work ahead. Here are some ideas for a 10–15 minute wake-up session:
- a morning yoga routine
- a 15-minute bootcamp session
- a set of hindu pushups
- a set of sun salutation poses
- a set of lunges and squats
Have some brain food to jumpstart your entire system. Don’t work on an empty stomach. Have a small breakfast that will fill you up, give you energy, and improve cognitive function. For example:
- Oatmeal mixed with 1 tablespoon flaxseeds, 1 teaspoon peanut butter, sliced banana or other fresh fruit, and some walnuts or almonds on top. Flaxseeds are an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a healthy fat that boosts cerebral cortex function.
- A parfait that consists of layering 1/2 cup of yogurt, 1 tablespoon granola, 1 cup fresh fruit (sliced or diced), and a spoonful of nuts such as walnuts and almonds. Almonds are beneficial for increased attention and awareness necessary for learning, as well as restoring memory and cognitive function.
- Eat an egg! Eggs are a powerful mix of B vitamins (they help nerve cells to burn glucose), antioxidants (they protect neurons against damage), and omega-3 fatty acids (they keep nerve cells functioning at optimal speed).
Use aromatherapy to become fully alert in minutes. This easy to make face spray will wake up your senses, sharpen your focus, and get you in work mode in no time. First, you need a spray bottle like this one. Then, add the following ingredients to the bottle:
- 1 shot glass (espresso cup worth) of steeped green tea
- 1 shot glass rose water or witch hazel
- 1 teaspoon 70 percent rubbing alcohol
- 5 drops of rosemary essential oil
- 7 drops of lemon essential oil
- 10 drops of peppermint oil
- 10 drops of sweet almond oil
Keep in the fridge until ready to use in the morning, and shake well before spraying a good 5 spritzes on your face to wake up and feel alert. Keep it with you during study time, and spray your face every 30 minutes for a prolonged effect.
Become a pro at time management. When you're ready to start working, use a timer to divide up your time into manageable increments that will allow your brain to focus in a more targeted and effective way. Try the Pomodoro technique which consists of 25 minute blocks of time, followed by 5 minute breaks. When you're done with one segment, step away from your desk and do something completely unrelated to work to give your brain a chance to rest: get some fresh air, stretch your body, grab a cup of coffee or tea.
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