What You See Is What You Get: Visual Thinkers Orient Memories And Objects With Uncanny Precision
Maybe you can take one look at an empty room and immediately know where the furniture belongs. Or maybe you’ve always had a knack for adding large numbers in your head, or rearranging a closet to maximize the space. If so, you’re probably a visual thinker.
Visual thinkers, as opposed to more emotional or literal thinkers, have the unique ability to hold in their mind’s eye the image of whatever it is will eventually go someplace, needs to be switched around, or otherwise reoriented. Some of the greatest minds in human history, including Thomas Edison and chess grandmaster Bobby Fisher, were regarded as visual thinkers for their stunning abilities to see what was, to anyone else’s mind, absent.
A simple litmus test for gauging how visually you think is to recall a fond memory — a summer vacation perhaps, or a nasty spill you took. When you think back to this moment, what is it exactly that you’re seeing? If you’re a visual thinker, it’s probably the finer details, the images. You remember the look of the beach and the tide creeping up on it, or you remember the brilliant red of your bloodied knee and the tears that followed.
Non-visual thinkers may remember other details, such as how they felt at the time. Instead of colorful details, they remember the events that took place before and afterward, imagining the event as a broader, fuzzier image rather than intricate and robust. Watch the video below: What kind of thinker are you?