When Bra Size Matters Least: High-Tech 'True Love Tester' Bra Only Unhooks For Real Emotion [Video]

Is it underwear or is it vaporware? In honor of its 10th anniversary, Japanese lingerie manufacturer Ravijour has developed, well, not exactly a new bra, but just the concept for a new bra: True Love Tester. Availability and pricing both are not yet known, but news of this bra has already circled the globe. After all, the True Love Tester can help a woman find a genuine love partner, according to the manufac… oops, idea designers.
The process of falling love is explained in a promotional video by both a Human Sexuality Specialist, a conservatively-dressed woman in her early thirties as well as a doctor and former med school associate professor, an older man sitting in front of a computer and wearing a lab coat. When falling in love, the woman says, we experience an instant boost in excitement that is unlike any other. According to the man, this surge is actually the adrenal medulla secreting catecholamines, which affects the autonomic nerve and stimulates heart rate. (Catecholamines include epinephrine and dopamine, which have long been associated with both excitement and pleasure.) While wearing the bra, then, a small built-in sensor will read and monitor a woman’s heart rate signal and then send it to a special app via Bluetooth for analysis. Reading the heart rate, the app’s special algorithm calculates changes over time, and when the rate exceeds a certain level, voila! The bra hook will unlock automatically.
To prove their point, the videomakers show heavily made-up women in bars speaking with an assortment of champagne-wielding Mr. Wrongs, variously described as “The Animal,” “The Technician,” and “The Flashy Guy.” No matter their efforts, including a shower of money from the Flashy Guy, the women remain nonplussed, their bras firmly fastened. Yet when a gentle soul kisses a woman alone in a darkened bedroom, the front hook of her bra spontaneously unsnaps.
“Until now, the bra was a piece of clothing to remove, but now it is an instrument to test for true love,” the Human Sexuality Specialist states, gracefully gesturing with her hands. “Women always seek true love.” Convincing though she may seem, what any third-rate skeptic will immediately see is that the bra only rates and analyzes the woman’s heart rate. Seems obvious that in the case of a woman searching for true love, it's not her own heart rate that needs to be read and analyzed but the man's.