WikiLeaks May Soon Face Financial Ruin

WikiLeaks, the famed international non-profit organization that publishes private, secret, and classified media from anonymous sources, is experiencing financial trouble and may soon collapse.
Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, told the New York Times, that his controversial web site could crumble by the end of the year due to a 10-month-old “financial blockade” that reduced the donations on which they depend on, depriving the organization of “tens of millions of dollars.”
“WikiLeaks is now forced to temporarily suspend all publishing operations,” Assange said.
“If WikiLeaks does not find a way to remove this blockade, we will not be able to continue by the turn of the new-year.”
WikiLeaks is currently accepting donations on its website as it asks for their readers’ support.
“For almost a year we have been fighting an unlawful financial blockade,” a statement on the homepage of says.
“We cannot allow giant US finance companies to decide how the whole world votes with its pocket. Our battles are costly. We need your support to fight back. Please donate now.”
WikiLeaks has revealed millions of secrets, including the data about the deaths of hundreds and thousands in Iraq, corruption and torture throughout middle-eastern regimes, environmental catastrophes, abusive practices by the world’s biggest banks, and more.
“During the past five years WikiLeaks has revealed millions of secrets that governments and corporations want to hide from you,” Assange says in a video on the WikiLeaks website.
“Now we face our biggest challenge, a politically motivated banking blockade led by Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, Western Union, and the Bank of America,” he said.
“This blockade has left us with just 5 percent of our financial lifeline, it has wiped out successfully 95 percent of your support. WikiLeaks is entirely supported by the public, everything we do depends on you.”