Woman Sues Walmart For Denying Health Insurance To Same-Sex Spouse With Cancer

Everyone should have access to the care they need. No matter your age, race, gender, income, sexuality; everyone deserves to get better from whatever they’re suffering from. That’s especially true if you work at a billion-dollar company, with a billion-dollar owner like Walmart. A Massachusetts woman has filed a class-action lawsuit against the retail giant, claiming it denied employee benefits to same-sex couples.
Jacqueline Cote said that Walmart repeatedly denied her requests for medical insurance for her wife before 2014. When Cote’s wife, Diane Smithson, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the bills rang up to about $150,000. The lawsuit was filed in the District Court of Boston and seeks damages for Cote and Smithson, as well as any other Walmart employee who wasn’t offered insurance for their same-sex spouse.
Cote took her case to the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission, which decided in January that Walmart’s denial was discrimination and allowed her to bring about the lawsuit.
The nonprofit group Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, which helped file the suit, has stated that Cote’s case is also the first class-action lawsuit filed on the behalf of gay workers since the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide in June.
Smithson’s cancer returned last year and she is currently receiving hospice care at home, according to Cote. “We take things one day at a time and try to make the most out of every hour that we get to spend together," Cote said.
“Walmart expanded its benefits starting in January 2014 and currently covers same sex spouses and domestic partners,” a spokesman for Walmart said in a prepared statement. “We have not yet seen the details of the lawsuit and out of respect for Ms. Cote we are not going to comment other than to say our benefits coverage previous to the 2014 update was consistent with the law.”
This isn’t the first time that Walmart has been sued; the retail giant has been sued so often since it was founded in 1962, that there is something called The Walmart Litigation Project, which tells lawyers everything they need to know when they decide to sue the retailer.