Women experience more chronic pain than men
A new study has suggested that women not only experience more chronic pain than men, but are also more likely to have multiple painful conditions at the same time, thus leading to greater stress and a higher risk of disability.
The study conducted by Jennifer Kelly of the Atlanta Center for Behavioral Medicine claims that chronic pain, one that lasts six months or more without relief, are more prevalent in men than women. Diseases that account for such pain include migraines, arthritis, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome.
After referencing the International Association for the Study of Pains report for 2007-2008, Kelly says that chronic pain impacts more women who need to take up a more active role in their treatment and reduce the stigma and embarrassment of the problem.
Kelly, referencing the International Association for the Study of Pain's 2007-2008 report on pain in women.
A press release from the American Psychological Association quotes Kelly as saying that "Genetic and hormonal differences may be the main reason for any differences, but it's becoming increasingly clear that social and psychological factors are also important."
She suggests that hormones may play a crucial role in this difference as estrogen is known to play a major role in migraines, a disease that is known to be more among women. In fact, she sights other research to prove that men and women may respond different to pain medications too.
"Women tend to focus on the emotional aspects of pain," she explained. "Men tend to focus on the physical sensations they experience. Women who concentrate on the emotional aspects of their pain may actually experience more pain as a result, possibly because the emotions associated with pain are negative," she says in the press release.