Wu-Tang Clan's Andre Johnson Severed His Penis Before Jumping Off Second Floor; Doctors Unable To Reattach Penis

Andre Johnson, also known as “Christ Bearer” of the rap group, Northstar, affiliated with the Wu-Tang clan, severed his penis, and now doctors say it cannot be reattached, according to a TMZ report.
Johnson cut his penis off on Wednesday morning and then proceeded to jump off a second floor North Hollywood apartment balcony, the report stated. He was then taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, but doctors confirmed his penis could not be reattached.
Neighbors said Johnson was not doing “any hard drugs that would cause him to do such a thing,” TMZ reported. The neighbors also said that after jumping off of his balcony, he was able to get back up. However, emergency medical workers found Johnson in a pool of blood lying on the floor outside of his apartment before they rushed him to the hospital. His penis was transported a little while after. Johnson is still in critical condition.
In a case like this, losing a major appendage can be both physically and emotionally traumatic. "It's very difficult to re-suture the nerves but you can rejoin the corporal tissue (the erectile tissue which contains most of the blood in the penis during erection) and the urethra,” according to Professor Raj Persad, the Daily Mail reported.
Needless to say, Johnson will have a long road of recovery when he is out of the hospital.