Five-year-old cancer survivor Ryan Encinas has probably accomplished more in the past few years than most. On Saturday, he celebrated two years in remission by adding a 40 yard, off-season NFL touchdown run to the list.

Encinas' performance concluded the Cleveland Browns' "Family Night" — a workout event at the FirstEnergy Stadium that drew an audience of 24,131. ESPN reports that fans as well as players offered standing ovations as the prospective kindergartner received a hand-off from quarterback Brandon Weeden and ran as fast as he could into the end zone.

"That was cool," Weeden said. "The kid's been through a lot. I do a lot of stuff back home with Children's Hospital, so every time something like that happens, it brings a lump to your throat."

Cleveland Browns staff and players unanimously agreed with him.

"He couldn't do the things he wanted to do growing up, but to have this moment in front of these fans in this stadium, I'm getting chills right now," said Browns' linebacker Barkevious Mingo. "I'm sure it meant a lot to that little kid."

Encinas was diagnosed with lung cancer when doctors discovered a football-sized tumor on his left lung. The historic touchdown was coordinated by the Littlest Heroes, a program supporting young cancer patients and their families.

"This is one of the highest highs we've had during this entire ordeal," said Robert Bozic, Ryan's father. "To see him out there running with the Cleveland Browns is one of the greatest experiences of our lives."

The National Cancer Institute describes lung cancer as a relatively rare form of childhood cancer, initially characterized by flu-like symptoms. Before the diagnosis, Encinas' family thought their son was simply fighting off a persistent cold. He endured weeks of chemotherapy, and his mother was forced to drop out of school in order to care for him during the course of the treatment.

Check out the video below and see Ryan Encinas score his first NFL touchdown.