8,000-Calorie Breakfast Comes With Health Waiver; Human Stomach Not Ready For ‘Hibernator’

Your stomach will start to feel full once there’s about a liter of pulverized, liquefied food inside, which doesn’t bode well if you’re attempting “The Hibernator,” an 8,000-calorie breakfast served at the British restaurant (slash makeshift funeral home) Bear Grills.
At four times the daily recommended calorie intake, The Hibernator isn’t your average light and fit meal. It consists of (big breath): eight strips of bacon, eight sausages, four hash browns, four fried eggs, a four-egg cheese omelet, four waffles, four pieces of toast, four pieces of fried bread, four black puddings, two ladles of beans, two ladles of tomatoes, mushrooms, a portion of large fries, and a two pint milkshake. Basically, you’ll feel full before you even touch the food.
Bear Grills owner Mark Winder says the feast isn’t for the faint of heart — literally. He requires all patrons to sign a waiver before attempting to finish it. “We ask people to understand that they know what they are getting themselves into,” Winder told The Daily Mail. “They have to tick a box to say whether they have any underlying health conditions.”
The platter of food, in its golden brown glory, comes to 6,000 calories on its own. Together with the milkshake, an impressive 2,000 calories, the meal weighs close to seven pounds. As Winder helpfully points out, “That's the weight of a baby.”
The challenge takes its name from the namesake Congleton Bear in a 1620 historical tale. It’s also descriptive, Winder says. “It's called The Hibernator because if anyone completes it they'll have to sleep for a year.”