Last Wednesday, an actor who was found to be positive for HIV shouts for the shutting down of US pornography films in October voiced again his side that he was never given any kind of help or assistance by the multi-billion dollar business and an industry clinic.

Derrick Burts, 24, appeared at a press conference full of emotions. He called for the use of condoms to be mandated and strictly enforced. Burts added that the regular monthly tests are not enough to ensure the safety of porn actors.

Burts has been popularized in condemning the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation or (AIM). AIM is a clinic that serves performers by providing them with regular tests. It is based in San Francisco Valley, north of Los Angeles. He said that the clinic did not treat him for a month and a half.

Burts, after speaking for the first time since the scare erupted, said that the people who are behind the porn industry and are making millions from it should have a good system that will protect the performers. He was in tears when he said “This is a multibillion dollar industry, and they can't reach out when somebody tests positive. There needs to be more done."

On a good note, at least four major film producers agreed to suspend filming porn while tests were being carried out to all known partners of the actor. After a few weeks, the production has resumed again.

According to Burts, he is new to the industry and was only working as a porn actor for seven months before learning that he acquired the HIV virus that leads to AIDS. Before this, he had a stint as a magician on cruise ships that were bound to travel around the world. He also worked as a manager of Marriott hotels.

Burts did not hide his dismay towards the San Fernando Valley clinic. He said “AIM likes to state that testing is enough to protect the performers from getting STDs and HIV. That’s completely false.” In addition he said that these tests are merely to inform an actor whether or not he had acquired the HIV virus. The tests are not equal to being protected. Because of this, he urges the use of condom for protection purposes.

When he spoke recently to the Los Angeles Times newspaper, Burts said that the mere fact that condoms are not commonly used in porn makes acting for such films very dangerous and risky. Burts said that among the reasons why he wanted to speak out was in order to help other performers and make them see the possible risks. AIDS Healthcare Foundation chief Micahel Weisntein said that the government-funded foundation was not against pornography. However, he said he was amazed to find out that the multi-billion dollar film industry and its clinic cannot give a follow-up medical care for an actor who was tested positive.