Even autism advocacy groups are joining the chorus on urging parents to get their kids vaccinated for measles and other diseases like whooping cough. The recent measles outbreak, which started in California but has already spread to other states, has reopened an old wound of an argument over the link between vaccines and autism.

There’s already copious amounts of evidence, as well as several editorials and studies published that undermine the autism and vaccine link — yet the rumor continues to travel and place unvaccinated children in harm's way. Not to mention that a resurgence of vaccine fright could open the gates for almost-eradicated viruses to re-emerge in first-world countries.

“Over the last two decades, extensive research has asked whether there is any link between childhood vaccinations and autism,” Rob Ring, the chief science officer of Autism Speaks, said in a statement. “The results of this research are clear: Vaccines do not cause autism. We urge that all children be fully vaccinated.”

Many attribute anti-vaccination hype to a single man: Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a British surgeon who published a fraudulent research paper linking the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine to autism in 1998. In the paper, Wakefield skewed patients’ medical records to support his argument that vaccines were harming kids. To make things worse, he was reportedly making money off this scheme, as he had been hired as a consultant by lawyers who were attempting to sue the MMR vaccine’s manufacturers. The editorial that debunked his work claimed that Wakefield would be receiving $750,000 for his consultant work.

Though the paper was called on its fraudulence years ago, and Wakefield has been shunned by many doctors, he’s done enough damage to last a while: many parents still believe the rumors they heard about autism and refuse to vaccinate their kids.

But in the midst of the measles outbreak, some doctors and pediatricians are taking a stand and refusing to accept patients who are unvaccinated. Perhaps this will do something to knock some sense into Anti-Vaxxers.