Agent Orange Victims Receiving Controversial Church of Scientology Treatment

The Vietnamese government is treating victims of Agent Orange with a controversial detoxification called the "Hubbard Method."
Agent Orange is a defoliant that was once used by U.S. military forces. During the Vietnam War, American military forces sprayed millions of gallons of herbicides on lands in Vietnam. This was a tactic used to destroy crops and remove the foliage that concealed enemy troops. Exposure to Agent Orange varied. Some individuals were exposed by airplanes and helicopters, while others were exposed by boats, trucks and soldiers with backpack sprayers.
Approximately 300 people from the northern province of Thai Binh are participating in the Hubbard Method, which was developed by the Church of Scientology. The detoxification involves patients taking vitamins and minerals, performing strenuous exercise and sweating in a sauna, and a host of other activities.
This treatment is said to purge the body of the toxin dioxin, a pollutant of Agent Orange, which has been linked to cancers and birth defects.
Mission: Impossible actor Tom Cruise, a prominent supporter of the Church of Scientology, has publicly stated his support of the Hubbard Method, which was named after L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology.
After 9/11 attacks, scientists used similar Hubbard Methods to cure first responders who may have been exposed to toxins. Additionally, they also used the Hubbard Method to attempt to cure addiction and alcoholism.
The U.S. government announced they have not funded the program stating they are not aware of any safe, effective detoxification treatment for individuals who have been exposed to dioxin.
However, the American government has launched a project to clean up toxins from the former air base, where troops once stored and mixed the defoliant prior to loading it on airplanes. Twenty-four residents of the city of Da Nang are expected to travel to Hanoi to undergo treatment for Agent Orange, according to Nguyen Thi Hien, chairwoman of the Da Nang Association of Victims of Agent Orange.
Many scientists are not in favor of the Hubbard Method, affirming there is no evidence this treatment does any good.