Berkeley Woman, Emily Davis, Says Lightning Strike Left 'Metallic Taste' In Her Mouth

In the wake of an electrical storm that hit the San Francisco Bay Area this past Monday, a 31-year-old woman from Berkeley says a “metallic taste” lingered in her mouth hours after she was struck by lightning while dodging the potentially deadly elements. Emily Davis, originally from Missouri, said she is “feeling so lucky” after surviving her harrowing ordeal.
“It was absolutely terrifying,” Davis told Berkeleyside. “My heart was racing. I am just thankful that my shoes had no metal in them. I could have been burned, or my heart could have stopped. I’m feeling so lucky.”
While crossing the street with her umbrella in one hand and coffee cup in the other, Davis remembers hearing the loud clap of thunder before she was jolted by the lightning strike. As her limbs shook wildly and her heart began to speed up, her coffee was thrown to the floor while electricity shot down her umbrella. Davis said the overpowering taste in her mouth came soon after the sound of explosion.
"I started to have that metallic taste in my mouth and after that it looked like someone took a picture with the flash, and a bolt of light went down my umbrella hand," Davis told NBC Bay Area. "My hands started shaking. I couldn't control it for five minutes."
When Davis finally met up with her boyfriend, whom she was on her way to meet up with for lunch, the two exchanged a kiss — one her boyfriend said transferred the metallic taste into his mouth. According to the National Weather Service, the average lightning bolt carries around 30,000 amps of charge, 100 million volts of electricity and 50,000 degrees. All in all, Davis is right to be counting her blessings.
After telling her father, who, ironically enough, is an electrician along with his father, about the incident she learned that her great-great-great grandfather died after he was struck by lightning while riding a horse. Davis is currently reaching out to local businesses in hopes of obtaining footage of the experience.