Blogger’s Stomach Photos: Before And After Holiday Dinner Instagram Post Goes Viral

An Instagram post of a woman’s stomach after she stuffed herself with a Christmas lunch is going viral, as is the positive message about body image in her caption.
Megan Jayne Crabbe posted (@bodyposipanda) a photo baring her stomach before the meal and afterward, complete with foodbaby bloat. Her caption is written to people who may have feelings of guilt related to eating. “Tummies are supposed to grow and expand and let us experience all kinds of delicious moments,” she says. “You are no less beautiful, valuable, or loveable whether you are full or empty. … What you've eaten today doesn't determine one single bit of how wonderful you are.”
Crabbe is no stranger to body image issues. According to a story in People magazine, she was diagnosed with anorexia, the eating disorder that causes people to starve themselves, when she was 14 and her rock-bottom weight was just 65 pounds. Crabbe overcame her obsession with being thin by seeing women on Instagram who were “every shape and size unapologetically loving themselves.”
Read: Photos of the Reality of Menstrual Bloating
Now that she has recovered, the English woman adds her own positive messages to the Instagram community. In some previous posts, she compares photos of herself when she was extremely skinny to photos of her healthier body today. In one such post she writes that it wasn’t long ago she was hospitalized, taking diet pills and working out until she blacked out. “If I can go from that fragile girl, 65lbs in a hospital bed, completely consumed by anorexia, to the grown, belly roll loving, body positive woman I am today, then anyone can get here,” she says. “You can overcome. You can rise up. You can take your power back. And you can sure as hell make peace with your body.”

Crabbe also shares inspirational quotes on her page and talks about the public pressure on women to be thin — and the role that plays in poor body image.
“You've spent enough of your life shackled by other people’s expectations,” she writes in one post. “It's time to be free, and embrace the beautiful body positive warrior that's been in you all along.”
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