Camper Sleepwalks Off A 60-Foot Cliff, But Doctors Expect Him To Make A Full Recovery

A man with a history of sleepwalking, who was camping around the Red River Gorge canyon system in Kentucky, walked right off a 60-foot cliff and survived. Friends of the man, whose name has not been released by Powell County Emergency Management, said they woke up in the middle of the night to find the man missing and called for help at around 1:15 a.m.
"He fell approximately 60 feet, landed in an area that was littered with large boulders," Wolfe County rope technician John May told FOX 56. "The campers who were with him found him at the bottom of a 60-foot cliff. The individual has a history of sleepwalking. So camping on a cliff ledge, that's probably what led to this incident."
When Powell County Search and Rescue arrived on the scene, fellow campers had located the man at the bottom of the cliff they had set up camp around. A Wolfe County rescue team was called in and the man was pulled from the bottom of the cliff, which was surrounded by jagged edges and foggy conditions. The man is currently being treated at a University of Kentucky hospital for a fractured leg, dislocated shoulder, and a head injury.
"It's really a miracle. He fell 60 feet into boulders and from what we've been told he should make a full recovery. It's quite remarkable," May added.