Cleveland Clinic Is The Latest To Oust McDonald's From Its Cafeteria In Hopes Of Fighting Obesity

The Cleveland Clinic has decided to get rid of its one McDonald’s branch in September — removing the fast food chain from its cafeteria, instead focusing on offering hospital staff healthier food options. The medical center has been the nation’s top hospital for heart disease for decades, and leaders have chosen to take a stronger stance on the health care crisis that is obesity.
“We want to demonstrate that we can walk the talk by being a healthier organization,” Eileen Sheil, Cleveland Clinic spokeswoman, told
While the clinic has already attempted to improve health options for its employees — including providing them with gym access and Weight Watcher memberships — the move to oust McDonald’s is yet another way for them to remind Americans that boycotting fast food is one way to undermine the obesity epidemic.
McDonald’s has, for years, been labeled “bad for you” — and despite trying to clean up its act in recent years, it still offers meals high in sugar, salt, and fat. Lately, it has created a menu that is lower in calories, offered kale salads and fruit options, and attempted to spin a healthier angle on its mission. Still, the Cleveland Clinic is the seventh hospital since 2009 to oust McDonald’s from its campus, according to NPR.
Is McDonald’s nearing the end of its reign? Probably not, but recent data has shown that McDonald’s sales have dropped in recent years, especially as consumers have become more interested in healthy alternatives like Chipotle. In addition, McDonald’s has recently closed more restaurants than it has opened for the first time since 1970.
While the Cleveland Clinic’s move is overall a healthy one, some employees have complaints, noting that they occasionally like to eat fast food just like everyone else. Others worry that low-income people will no longer have affordable options for lunch.
“This is my vice,” Dustin Thomas, a researcher, told “I consider myself an adult and I like to think I can make my own choices.”
But the Cleveland Clinic believes it’s for the best, and it's not hard to see why. “Aren’t we No. 1 in the world for obesity?” Ed Brito, who works across the street from the Cleveland Clinic, told “If McDonald’s is gone I’ll probably go to Subway or get something green. If you’re going into a hospital, I think you expect to find healthy food.”