Immune System Disorders
This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Fast Food
A diet high in fat and sugar, which could include fast food, may affect the immune system in the same way as a bacterial infection. A Bitter Divorce Between Parents Can Have Lasting Health Effects On Children
A new study says that anger between parents could have lasting impact on child's immune system. What Causes Hair Loss? Accidental Discovery Reveals Possible Cause For Alopecia, Male Pattern Baldness
A new study has revealed an unexpected cause for hair loss, and found that immune cells called Tregs also play a role in hair follicle regeneration. Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Research 2017: Why Do Some MS Patients Have Seizures?
Researchers may have figured out why MS patients get seizures — which means they might be able to stop them. The 4 Deadliest Autoimmune Disorders: Signs You Need To Know
Over 80 autoimmune diseases have been identified, and we’ve listed some of the most dangerous. The Complete List Of Lupus Symptoms You Should Recognize, And What To Do
Lupus symptoms are vague, so they can look like a lot of different disorders. Here’s what you need to know. Kidney Transplant Rejection Latest: How Cells Transform And Damage Donated Organs
Immune cells morph and destroy donated organs, making people reject their new kidneys. Lupus Treatment Research 2017: Immune Response Mechanism Could Be Key To Alternative Therapy Target
When you have lupus, a protein in your body alerts your immune system even when there’s no virus to fight off. Researchers think they know how that happens. Tonsil Stones: What Are These Things In My Throat?
If you didn’t accidentally swallow gravel, that lump at the back of your throat might be a tonsil stone. Are You More Likely To Get Sick When You Haven’t Had Enough Sleep? Rest And Your Immune System Myths And Facts
You have to get enough sleep or the soldiers will start deserting your body’s army.